there 99 name for god in islam and thy are
Allaah (The One And Only True God)
Al-Ilaah (The Deity)
Ar-Rabb (The Lord)
Al-Waahid (The One)
Al-Ahad (The Singular)
As-Samad (The Self-Sufficient)
Al-Hakeem (The All-Wise)
Al-Haleem (The Most Forebearing)
Ar-Rahmaan (The Most Beneficent)
Ar-Raheem (The Most Merciful)
Al-Barr (The Generous)
Al-Kareem (The Kind )
Al-Jawwaad (The Bestower of Good )
Ar-Ra`oof (The Kind )
Al-Wahhaab (The Bestower)
Al-Hameed (The One who is Praised)
Al-Afuww (The Effacer of Sins)
Al-Ghafoor (The Forgiving)
Al-Ghaffaar (The All Forgiving)
At-Tawwaab (The Oft-returning)
Al-Quddoos (The Holy)
As-Salaam (The Peace)
Al-Alee (The High)
al-A`laa (The Highest)
Al-Muta’aal (The Exalted)
Al-Mannaan (The Bestower)
Al-Jabbaar (The Compeller)
Al-Mutakabbir (The Supreme)
Al-Khaaliq (The Creator)
Al-Baari’ (The Originator)
Al-Musawwir (The Shaper)
Al-Mu’min (The giver of Security)
Noorus-Samaawaati Wal-Ardh
(Light of the Heavens and the Earth)
Al-Muhaymin (The Ever Watching)
Al-Qadeer (All Powerful,The Able)
Al-Lateef (The Most Subtle,The Kind)
Al-Haseeb (The Reckoner)
Ar-Raqeeb (The Ever Watching)
Al-Hafeedh (The Guardian)
Al-Muheet (The Encompassing)
Al-Qahhaar (The Subduer)
Al-Qaahir (The Irresistible)
Al-Muqeet (The Powerful)
(The Disposer of Affairs, The One Who is Relied Upon)
Al-Wudood (The Loving)
Al-Fattaah (The Judge, The Opener)
Al-Malik(The King )
Al-Maalik (The Master & Owner )
Alladhee Lahu Al-Mulk
(The One to Whom Belongs the Dominion)
Ar-Razzaaq (The Provider)
Al-Hakam (The Judge)
Al-Adl (The Just)
Jaami`un Naas (The Gatherer of Mankind)
Al-Hayy (The Living)
Al-Qayyum (The Sustainer)
An-Nur (The Light)
Al-Qaabid (The Taker)
Al-Baasit (The Extender)
Ash-Shaheed (The Witness)
Al-Mubdi` (The Starter)
Al-Mu’eed (The Recaller,The One Who Repeats Creation)
Al-Fa`aalul Limaa Yureed
(The One Who Does What He Wills)
Al-Ghanee (The Self Sufficient, The Rich)
Al-Mughnee (The Sufficient)
Al-Mubeen (The Clear)
Ash-Shaakir (The Recognizer & Rewarder of Good)
Ash-Shakoor (The Appreciative)
Al-Qareeb (The Close)
Al-Mujeeb (The Answerer)
Al-Kaafee (The Sufficient)
Al-Awwal (The First)
Al-Aakhir (The Last)
Adh-Dhaahir (The Manifest)
Al-Baatin (The Inward)
Al-Waasi’` (The Vast)
Al-Haadee (The Director)
Ar-Rasheed (The Guide)
Al-Haqq (The Truth)
Al-Atheem (The Most Magnificent)
Al-Majeed (The Most Glorious)
Al-Kabeer (The Most Great)
As-Samee’ (The All Hearing)
Al-Baseer (The All Seeing)
Al-‘Aleem (The All Knowing)
Al-Khabeer (The All Aware)
Al-Azeez (The Mighty)
Al-Muqtadir (The Omnipotent)
Al-Qawiyy (The Most Powerful)
Al-Mateen (The Most Strong)
Al-‘Afuw (The Oft-Pardoning)
Al-Ghafoor (The Oft-Forgiving)
Al-Ghaffaar (The Most Forgiving)
Badee’us Samaa Wati Wal-Ard
(“The Originating Creator” of the Heavens & The Earth)
Al-Kaafi (The Sufficient)
Al-Waasi’ (The Vast, Extending, Abounding, Far Reaching, All Sufficient)
Al-Jameel (The Beautiful)
Ar-Rafeeq (The Gentle)
Al-Hayee (The Shy)
As-Sitteer (The Coverer)
Al-Qaabid (The Constrictor)
Al-Baasit (The Munificent)
Al-M’utee (The Giver)
Al-Maani` (The Preventer)
thanks for the good info didn’t know them all
peace from germany
you are welcome brother